MacWorld 1997 August
Macworld (1997-08).dmg
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259 lines
# Install the files that support one of the LaTeX modes.
# The global flag $latexVersion indicates which mode (LaTeX 2.09 or LaTeX2e)
# is currently installed.
# Author: Tom Pollard <pollard@cucbs.chem.columbia.edu>
# (updated 4/29/95 for latex.tcl v2.4)
# (updated 7/02/96 for latex.tcl v3.2 TRS)
proc loadLaTeX {} {
global HOME latexVersion
set oldWd [pwd]
cd $HOME
set latex209Dir ":LaTeX:latex 2.09"
set latex209Files {
{"latexMode.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 1}
{"latex.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 1}
{"smart.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"LaTeX Help" ":Help" 0}
{"LaTeX Key Bindings" ":Help" 0}
set latex2eDir ":LaTeX:latex 2e"
set latex2eFiles {
{"latexMode.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 1}
{"latex.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 1}
{"latexComm.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexEngine.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexFilesets.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexKeys.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexMacros.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexMenu.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexPatches.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"latexSmart.tcl" ":Tcl:Modes" 0}
{"LaTeX Help" ":Help" 0}
set report 0
if {$latexVersion == "2e"} {
if {[askyesno "Install LaTeX 2.09?"] == "yes"} {
set report [installFiles $latex209Dir $latex209Files $latex2eDir $latex2eFiles 0 1 TeX]
if {$report != 0} {
# uncomment these lines if new files are not automatically sourced
# alertnote "Now quit and restart Alpha to load LaTeX 2.09 mode"
# set latexVersion "2.09"
# and comment out this one
alertnote "LaTeX 2.09 support was successfully installed"
} else {
alertnote "The installation was cancelled"
} elseif {$latexVersion == "2.09"} {
if {[askyesno "Install LaTeX 2e?"] == "yes"} {
set report [installFiles $latex2eDir $latex2eFiles $latex209Dir $latex209Files 0 1 TeX]
if {$report != 0} {
# uncomment these lines if new files are not automatically sourced
# alertnote "Now quit and restart Alpha to load LaTeX2e mode"
# set latexVersion "2e"
# and comment out this one
alertnote "LaTeX2e support was successfully installed"
} else {
alertnote "The installation was cancelled"
if {$report != 0} {
set timePat {([0-9/]+) ([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+) (..)}
regsub $timePat [join [mtime [now] short]] {\1 \2.\3\5} timestamp
set fname "$HOME:LaTeX:Install Report $timestamp"
set tmpfid [open $fname "w+"]
puts $tmpfid $report
close $tmpfid
cd $oldWd
# Install a list of files from $InstallDir into various destination folders.
# Each item of $installList contains a list of two items : a file and its
# destination directory. If $backupDir and $backupList are given, then the
# files from this list are first removed from the indicated directories and
# saved in $backupDir. If $deleteOld is 1, then an old file is just
# deleted if the backup directory doesn't exist or if it already contains
# the file; if $overwriteBackups is 1, then old backup files will be
# overwritten ($deleteOld is checked before $overwriteBackups).
# If any Tcl source files (.tcl) are installed, then they are also automatically
# sourced and "rebuildTclIndices" is called to update the autoloader index files.
# Author: Tom Pollard <pollard@cucbs.chem.columbia.edu>
# if {[file extension $file] == ".tcl"} {
proc installFiles {installDir installList backupDir backupList
{deleteOld 0} {overwriteBackups 0} {deleteBindings 0}} {
global HOME latexMenu
set script {}
set report ""
set askedAlready 0
set removed {}
set script2 {}
set report2 ""
lappend script [list uplevel {#0} [list catch [list removeMenu $latexMenu]]]
if {! [file exists $backupDir] && ! $deleteOld} {
lappend script [list mkdir $backupDir]
append report "Created backup directory \"$backupDir\"\n"
foreach item $backupList {
set file [lindex $item 0]
set dir [lindex $item 1]
set frompath ${dir}:${file}
set topath ${backupDir}:${file}
if {[closeInstallFile $file] == "cancel"} {
return 0
if {[file exists $frompath]} {
if {[file exists $topath]} {
if {!$deleteOld && !$overwriteBackups && !$askedAlready} {
if {[askyesno "Can I delete old files that are already backed up?"] == "yes"} {
set deleteOld 1
} elseif {[askyesno "Can I overwrite previous backup files?"] == "yes"} {
set overwriteBackups 1
set askedAlready 1
if {$deleteOld} {
lappend script [list removeFile $frompath]
append report "Deleted old file \"$file\" from folder \"$dir\"\n"
lappend removed $frompath
} elseif {$overwriteBackups} {
lappend script [list removeFile $topath]
lappend script [list copyFile $frompath $topath]
lappend script [list removeFile $frompath]
append report "Saved old file \"$file\" in folder \"$backupDir\"\n"
lappend removed $frompath
} else {
message "No files were moved or deleted"
return 0
} else {
lappend script [list copyFile $frompath $topath]
lappend script [list removeFile $frompath]
append report "Saved old file \"$file\" in folder \"$backupDir\"\n"
lappend removed $frompath
} else {
append report "-- old file \"$file\" was missing from folder \"$dir\" --\n"
append report "\n"
foreach item $installList {
set file [lindex $item 0]
set dir [lindex $item 1]
set loadable [lindex $item 2]
set frompath ${installDir}:${file}
set topath ${dir}:${file}
if {[closeInstallFile $file] == "cancel"} {
return 0
if {[file exists $frompath]} {
if {[file exists $topath] && [lsearch -exact $removed $topath] < 0} {
if {[askyesno "Can I overwrite the old copy of $file?"] == "yes"} {
lappend script [list removeFile $topath]
append report "Deleted old file \"$file\" in folder \"$dir\"\n"
lappend removed $topath
} else {
return 0
lappend script [list copyFile $frompath $topath]
append report "Copied file \"$file\" from folder \"$installDir\" to \"$dir\"\n"
if { $loadable } {
lappend script2 [list uplevel {#0} [list source ${HOME}$topath]]
append report2 "Loaded the new file \"$file\"\n"
} else {
message "Installation aborted - no files were moved or deleted"
alertnote "Install file \"$file\" is missing"
return 0
if {[llength $script2]} {
# comment out these lines to stop automatic sourcing of newly loaded .tcl files
# (_Don't_ change the lines creating $script2, above)
# if {$deleteBindings != 0} {
# lappend script [list deleteModeBindings $deleteBindings]
# append report "\nRemoved the old ${deleteBindings}-mode key bindings\n"
# }
set script [concat $script $script2]
append report "\n"
append report $report2
lappend script [list message "Rebuilding Filesets menu…"]
lappend script rebuildAllFilesets
append report "\nRebuilt Filesets menu"
lappend script [list message "Rebuilding Tcl indices…"]
lappend script rebuildTclIndices
append report "\nRebuilt Tcl indices\n"
# # Uncomment these lines to get a play-by-play of the installation procedure
# #
# new -n "* Install Script *"
foreach item $script {
# insertText "$item\n"
eval $item
# catch {shrinkWindow 1}
# setWinInfo dirty 0
new -n "* Installation Report *"
insertText $report "\rYou must now REBOOT ALPHA.\r"
catch {shrinkWindow 1}
setWinInfo dirty 0
setWinInfo read-only 1
return $report
proc closeInstallFile {file} {
if {[lsearch -exact [winNames] $file] >= 0} {
set reply [askyesno -c "Close file $file before installing?"]
if {$reply == "yes"} {
bringToFront $file
if {$reply == "cancel" ||
($reply == "yes" && [lsearch -exact [winNames] $file] >= 0)} {
message "No files were moved or deleted"
return "cancel"
return ""